Friday, February 25, 2011

Health Care

To be honest, I do not have health insurance, kind of because we are currently financially struggling, because of the economy, but not only that, there are so many packages, and sometimes, some of our body parts are not insured by the package. And I do not feel like I need to have it, but I feel like I need it, just in case something bad happens. So, even one of our family member get sick, we are afraid to go to the doctor because we know it cost a lot, just to see a doctor. And in South Korea, I think people are insured by the government health care, so it only cost around 5 dollar to see a doctor, and the medication used to cost me about 5 dollar. So, I think we should have Obama care.

However, Republicans are trying to repeal Obama Care because it will increase the inflation, but I do believe that saving people's live are better than not having job. We can decrease the inflation, but we cannot bring the dead person back.

And Republicans also said, one of the reason to repeal the Obama Care is because it is socialism. It maybe socialism because government is taking over, but isn't it better than letting people die on the street because they do not have money for medical? I really do not understand what they are thinking.

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