Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Members of Congress Want President Obama to Replace Dr. Donald M. Berwick.

The President Obama has nominated Dr. Donald M. Berwick for three times, but for some reason, but confirmation has been held, and none are scheduled.
In a letter to the White House last week, 42 Republican senators urged Mr. Obama to withdraw the nomination of Dr. Berwick to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which runs insurance programs for more than 100 million people. If those senators stick together, they could block confirmation.
I feel like Republican does not like anything that president Obama is doing right now. So far, they did not agree on anything even though it could make the United States to be a better place. And they are not even giving us the reason why they would not give confirmation for Dr. Berwick. So, I think not saying yes for Dr. Berwick is nothing but a big joke

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