Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Health Care Stays

Republicans were trying very hard to repeal the Obama Care, which was signed on March 23, 2010. Even when they voted for it, not even single Republican voted for it, and on January 26, 2010, they tried to repeal the bill and have failed it.
Senate Democrats defeated a bid by Republicans to repeal the sweeping health care overhaul, as they successfully mounted a party-line defense. The vote was 47 to 51, with all Republicans voting unanimously for repeal but falling 13 votes short of the 60 needed to advance their proposal.
I really do not understand why Republicans are dying to repeal the bill. This bill could save a lot of people's life, and could actually do something important to Americans. Personally, I do not have any insurance, because it is very expensive and they are so complicated, but with that Obama Care, I think I do not have to worry about going to hospital anymore.

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