Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nelson Mandela's Hospitalization

South Africa's beloved and most respectable man in the world spent two days in a hospital in Milpark hospital on last Thursday.
Mr. Mandela responded well to treatment during his hospitalization, General Ramlakan said, and military doctors responsible for his care will continue to intensively monitor him at his home in a wealthy suburb of Johannesburg. The general noted that Mr. Mandela had had respiratory infections before and reminded the public that Mr. Mandela had tuberculosis during his 27-year imprisonment. It is a disease that can damage the lungs.
Thankfully, he is not in a very dangerous condition, so I am very glad. I do not really know a lot of about him, but my parents always said he is the man who I have to look up to. However, I think his time is coming because he is already 92 years old, it would be really sad to see him go, but I think I have to prepare for that.

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