Friday, February 25, 2011

About Republican

I think the biggest strength of the Republican party is their view on the terrorist. I do believe that all the terrorist should be gone, and they will do anything in their power to protect American people from getting hurt by the terrorist. And at the same time, they also want to keep peace, and avoid the war, and I really like that Idea.

But to be honest, I do not really like republican's after seeing Sarah Palin. I think having Sarah Palin as a Republican Party member is the biggest weakness they have because to be honest, I do not think she has any ability  to do anything. I do not even know how she was the governor for Alashka Alaska.

And I think the biggest weakness of the Republican is how they are trying to repeal the Obama Care. I feel like they do not care about poor people, and trying to say poor people can just die, if they cannot afford to get insurance.

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