Thursday, February 24, 2011

More problem in Somalia

I personally think, it does not really matter if the doctor is old, or their gender. According to NY Times, some gun man threatened Mama Haw, who is running  Dr. Hawa Abdi’s hospital, because he does not like the fact the the old women in running the hospital. 
They did not seem to care that Mama Hawa, 63, was one of the only trained doctors for miles around, and that the clinic, school and feeding program she built on her land supported nearly 100,000 people, most of them desperate refugees from the fighting and poverty that has afflicted this nation.
For hours, militia commanders held Dr. Abdi at gunpoint while their underlings — mostly 15- to 16-year-old boys — ransacked the hospital, shooting anesthesia machines, smashing windows and tearing up records.
Even now days, Islamic people are very sexist, and they destroyed many medical machine that cost a lot, and helps a lot of patient because it runs by women. I just do not understand what those teenagers were trying to accomplish by doing those things. I think they should know better, and apologizes to Mama Haw.  

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