Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Race Issues Rise for Miami Police

Many people claim that police in this century in the United States are being fair to all the race. However, I still believe that in certain area, that might be true, but most of city or town in America, some police are still unfair to certain race. And in Miami, some polices are not being fair to certain race right now.
 The video, shot with a hand-held camera, shows brawny Miami police officers breaking down doors and hauling handcuffed African-American suspects off some of the city’s toughest streets. “We hunt,” one officer says in the five-and-a-half-minute clip. “I like to hunt.”
Well, if they have that kind of mentality when they are working as a police officer, there are something wrong with them because it sounds like they are enjoying hunting those African-Americans. Humans are different from animal because they have ability to define what is good and bad, but I feel like they do not know anything about them.

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