Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No More Credit Card

Recently, we are using phone as camera, video camcorder, game boy, and even as computer. I thought phone cannot get any better than it is right now, but people are taking it to the next level.
While one analyst estimated, conservatively, that only 5.9 percent of merchants will accept mobile payments by 2015, Mr. Bézard of Aite Group said that many of the large retailers — including McDonald’s, Home Depot and CVS — already had the terminals and thus could take part whenever the payment network was figured out. And, he said, 80 percent of consumer transactions occur at the top 200 merchants.
The chance of phone replacing credit card in the United States right now is unlikely, because company like Paypal and Google do not like it. However, like that analyst said, I do believe it is going to happen no matter what, so they should just give up resisting, and learn to live with it.

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