Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Everything is done by mobile

I personally do not believe in having a health care, not because I believe I am invincible, but because I do not feel like the package the insurance company sell is good enough for me, and even if it is good enough, I do not want to pay for it. I do not want to worry about future before it happens. However, if I were to get a Health care insurance, I would like to see my doctor, and see what is good and bad in my body before I get insured. However, world is changing, and people are not even seeing doctors for that.
Everyday across the U.S., tens of thousands of patients in the Veterans Administration health system start their day by answering questions about how they feel. But they aren't meeting with a doctor or a nurse — or even talking to them on the phone. Instead they are pressing buttons on an alarm clock-size device called a Health Buddy.
Well, I am really glad our technology is getting better, but I do not think getting insurance without consulting a doctor is a bad idea.

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