Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Will affordable Care Act will affect unemployment?

Also, Republicans does not like affordable Care Act because they think it will increase the unemployment. However, it turns out that it would not have impact on the job. And here is reasons.
First, the law’s net expenditures are too small compared to the overall size of the economy in order to impact employment.
Second, the expansion coverage it creates in Medicaid and income-related subsidies should increase employment in the health sector.
And last, most firms will not be affected because they already meet the health insurance standards of the federal law or because of new requirements are exempt from the law if they have fewer than 50 workers.
Also, the authors say other factors, like monetary and fiscal policies, are likely to have a much greater impact on the economy than healthcare reform. 
As you can see, it will have really little impact on the job right now, so Republicans and haters should stop hating on Obama's affordable care act, and just learn to live with it.

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