Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No More Credit Card

Recently, we are using phone as camera, video camcorder, game boy, and even as computer. I thought phone cannot get any better than it is right now, but people are taking it to the next level.
While one analyst estimated, conservatively, that only 5.9 percent of merchants will accept mobile payments by 2015, Mr. Bézard of Aite Group said that many of the large retailers — including McDonald’s, Home Depot and CVS — already had the terminals and thus could take part whenever the payment network was figured out. And, he said, 80 percent of consumer transactions occur at the top 200 merchants.
The chance of phone replacing credit card in the United States right now is unlikely, because company like Paypal and Google do not like it. However, like that analyst said, I do believe it is going to happen no matter what, so they should just give up resisting, and learn to live with it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mental Health Break

Race Issues Rise for Miami Police

Many people claim that police in this century in the United States are being fair to all the race. However, I still believe that in certain area, that might be true, but most of city or town in America, some police are still unfair to certain race. And in Miami, some polices are not being fair to certain race right now.
 The video, shot with a hand-held camera, shows brawny Miami police officers breaking down doors and hauling handcuffed African-American suspects off some of the city’s toughest streets. “We hunt,” one officer says in the five-and-a-half-minute clip. “I like to hunt.”
Well, if they have that kind of mentality when they are working as a police officer, there are something wrong with them because it sounds like they are enjoying hunting those African-Americans. Humans are different from animal because they have ability to define what is good and bad, but I feel like they do not know anything about them.

Medicaid and New York Budget

I do not really know how things work in New York, and never really cared about them, but I think they made really brilliant move on health care. 
The governor’s Medicaid Redesign Team — which was dominated by health care providers and public officials — agreed to hold state spending on the major portion of Medicaid to $15.1 billion next year, well below the $18 billion originally projected. They also agreed to hold future growth to a 10-year rolling average of medical inflation. That is a very stringent standard.
 If it works well, maybe president Obama could take a close look at what New York did, and apply to the United States.

Will affordable Care Act will affect unemployment?

Also, Republicans does not like affordable Care Act because they think it will increase the unemployment. However, it turns out that it would not have impact on the job. And here is reasons.
First, the law’s net expenditures are too small compared to the overall size of the economy in order to impact employment.
Second, the expansion coverage it creates in Medicaid and income-related subsidies should increase employment in the health sector.
And last, most firms will not be affected because they already meet the health insurance standards of the federal law or because of new requirements are exempt from the law if they have fewer than 50 workers.
Also, the authors say other factors, like monetary and fiscal policies, are likely to have a much greater impact on the economy than healthcare reform. 
As you can see, it will have really little impact on the job right now, so Republicans and haters should stop hating on Obama's affordable care act, and just learn to live with it.

New Health Care Law

Mr. president and his follower knew Republicans would not support his old health care plan, so he came out with new one, just so he can please the Republicans
Obama administration officials say they were expecting praise from critics of the new health care law when they offered to exempt selected employers and labor unions from a requirement to provide at least $750,000 in coverage to each person in their health insurance plans this year.
 However, even with the new plan, the Republicans still do not like new health care law because they claim that there will be a lot of exception. I feel like no matter what Mr. President comes out with new health care law, I think Republicans are going to say no to every single plan, just because they can.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What is up with those priest

I do not read a lot of newspaper, maybe that is why I did not know this is really happening in the world, but as soon as I saw this article, I got upset, and got disgusted. 
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced Tuesday that it had suspended 21 priests from active ministry in connection with accusations that involved sexual abuse or otherwise inappropriate behavior with minors.
I really think they should go to jail. I am pretty sure the minors did not want to have sex with them, so it is technically rape, but I do not know why they do not have to go to jail when they have committed crime. They are only getting suspended from active ministry, and I think it is not fair to the people.

Everything is done by mobile

I personally do not believe in having a health care, not because I believe I am invincible, but because I do not feel like the package the insurance company sell is good enough for me, and even if it is good enough, I do not want to pay for it. I do not want to worry about future before it happens. However, if I were to get a Health care insurance, I would like to see my doctor, and see what is good and bad in my body before I get insured. However, world is changing, and people are not even seeing doctors for that.
Everyday across the U.S., tens of thousands of patients in the Veterans Administration health system start their day by answering questions about how they feel. But they aren't meeting with a doctor or a nurse — or even talking to them on the phone. Instead they are pressing buttons on an alarm clock-size device called a Health Buddy.
Well, I am really glad our technology is getting better, but I do not think getting insurance without consulting a doctor is a bad idea.

140 medical pot shops are about to close down

Well, I do not think doing a drug is a bad thing to do, because I do not know how it will harm other people. Government lets people to smoke cigarette even though it could hurt other people. And let people drink even though it hurts the drinker. Anyways, here is reason why they were about to close down.
The Los Angeles Times reports the city attorney's office sent a letter to the dispensaries Monday. They were targeted because the operators did not file applications by the Feb. 18 deadline to participate in a lottery to choose 100 that will operate in the city.
 They deserves to close down because they disobeyed the law, but I personally think it is time to legalize the drug like marijuana, because if government will let sick people to use them, they should let other people to use it as well

Members of Congress Want President Obama to Replace Dr. Donald M. Berwick.

The President Obama has nominated Dr. Donald M. Berwick for three times, but for some reason, but confirmation has been held, and none are scheduled.
In a letter to the White House last week, 42 Republican senators urged Mr. Obama to withdraw the nomination of Dr. Berwick to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which runs insurance programs for more than 100 million people. If those senators stick together, they could block confirmation.
I feel like Republican does not like anything that president Obama is doing right now. So far, they did not agree on anything even though it could make the United States to be a better place. And they are not even giving us the reason why they would not give confirmation for Dr. Berwick. So, I think not saying yes for Dr. Berwick is nothing but a big joke