Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reducing Obesity or Reducing Hunger?

Kids are getting fatter and fatter everyday, and trying to reduce the childhood obesity, the senate passed the bill, which deals with that problem, in early August. Some people are happy about it, but some others are not.
At issue is how to pay for additional spending on the school lunch program and other child nutrition projects eagerly sought by the White House. A bill that the House is expected to consider within days would come up with some of the money by cutting future food stamp benefits.
Since the government does not have a lot of money, they have to cut future food stamps benefit, then it creates a massive problem to the people who does not make a lot of money to support their family.However, I do believe the bill, which is strongly suggested by Mrs. Obama, is really necessary for kids, but now is not the right time to do it. We should take care of the people who cannot get food first.

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