Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Discrimination at Work

After 9/11, many people got defensive and discriminated Muslims. It's been 9 years since September 11 attack had occurred in the United States, but people are still discriminating Muslims at work.
At a time of growing tensions involving Muslims in the United States, a record number of Muslim workers are complaining of employment discrimination, from co-workers calling them “terrorist” or “Osama” to employers barring them from wearing head scarves or taking prayer breaks. Such complaints were increasing even before frictions erupted over the planned Islamic center in Lower Manhattan, with Muslim workers filing a record 803 such claims in the year ended Sept. 30, 2009. That was up 20 percent from the previous year and up nearly 60 percent from 2005, according to federal data.The number of complaints filed since then will not be announced until January, but Islamic groups say they have received a surge in complaints recently, suggesting that 2010’s figure will set another record.
 I know people are still upset about September 11 attack, and they have right to be angry, but they should not express their feelings. Not only government, the people are not letting other birds to fly in, but instead, they are making them to fly away from America. And if people does not stop this soon, I think America will lose many brilliant people, and more and more people will hate America and possibly become terrorist to get revenge on the society.

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