Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Europeans are stepping up

In the Book, Hot, Flat, and Crowded, Tom FriSolar panels at a plant in Freiberg, Germany. Germany is the world’s largest solar market.edman mentioned about Denmark using Taxation to stop people from using a lot of gift from the hell. And not only Denmark, France are using more and more renewable resources, gift from the heaven, every year, and i thought, "Hey, they are actually a lot of Europe countries that are going for the reusable energy in Europe country."after reading this article from NY Times.

Europe’s evolution toward a heavier reliance on renewable energy is nicely documented in a report released this week by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistics agency. The study, “Statistical Aspects of the Energy Economy in 2009,” provides a wealth of interesting detail without a lot of editorializing.
From 2008 to 2009 alone, the use of renewable energy in the European Union increased 8.3 percent. As I’ve reported as part of our continuing series, “Beyond Fossil Fuels,” some countries have made particularly great strides in this arena. Portugal now gets nearly 45 percent of its electricity from renewable sources, up from 17 percent five years ago.
The Eurostat report found that the production of energy from hard coal and natural gas showed an “important decrease” (9.2 and 10.1 percent, respectively). To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the European Union is also aggressively pushing its members to cut back on their use of coal.
European countries are trying really hard to make world cleaner and by using those renewable resources, they proved that they are stepping forward every year, so they get richer every year, but America is not doing anything but keeping walking in the same place.

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