Thursday, September 2, 2010

People are training for green jobs right now!

 Tom Friedman said the united states should go with "Code Green", to make the world healthier and that is the way for United States to be in the center of economy of the world again. And this article, from NY Times, proves that the government is trying to go with "Code Green."
The federal government is pouring $500 million into training for green jobs, and the sector devoted to energy efficiency is estimated to grow as much as fourfold in the next decade, to some 1.3 million people, according to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Its March 2010 report was financed by the Energy Department. Green-collar jobs have grabbed the public’s attention, and educational institutions are starting programs to train the managers who will oversee the technologies, manufacturing processes and materials that will be used to conserve energy and help safeguard natural resources.
The government are starting to realize how important is the "code green" is to United States. But unfortunately, not many people wants to take that class because they do not always lead to employment in the current economy.If company realize how important the "code green" is, then someday, they might lead the employment in the United States.

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