Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The reason why the U.S. shoul use less fossil fuels

The main reason of greenhouse effect, CO2, is keep increasing because the world is getting flatted. And Tom Friedman said the reason why the world is heating up faster than ever is caused by India, and China's economy growth, and in this article, Yu Qingtai said,
When it comes to greenhouse-gas emissions, we cannot only look at the current situation and ignore history, nor look at overall emissions and ignore per capita figures. China’s accumulated emissions account for only 7% of the global total. Emissions are caused by consumption of energy, and this is the foundation of social development. As a Chinese person, I cannot accept someone from a developed nation having more right than me to consume energy. We are all created equal – this is no empty slogan. The Americans have no right to tell the Chinese that they can only consume 20% as much energy. We do not want to pollute as they did, but we have the right to pursue a better life.
According to this, American just cannot blame other country for using a lot of fossil fuel, because America consumes most of the fossil fuel from all around the world. Telling other countries not to consume use as much fossil fuel as the U.S. is really selfish of them, because they do not have right to interfere other countries business.

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