Friday, October 15, 2010

Time to Drive Electric Cars?

First electric cars came out a while ago. However, not many people bought it because it was too small, or they just did not like the design. So, some company came up with new electric cars that actually has a lot of space and looks cool. However, many people are afraid to buy the care because  the car itself cost a lot of money and
Buying the charger and having it installed will average $2,000 (Nissan says $2,200), but there are many important variables that could raise the price quite a bit from there. Richard Lowenthal, chief executive of the charging company Coulomb Technologies, said that in extreme cases major wiring upgrades and installation of new panels could cost as much as $10,000. 

Unless people come up with the new ways to reduce the cost of installation, no one, except rich people, could afford to drive the electric cars, which means even though many people care about the environment, simply cannot afford to save the earth. I think government should support the electric cars industry or that charging companies, so they can lower the price of their product.

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