Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chinese Stealing Talented American

The United States' Silicon Valley is known to the world as a world of technologies. However, the this might change as the Chinese company, Huawei Technologies, is trying to hire engineer from Silicon Valley.
This spring, an executive from a Chinese telecommunications equipment company made an intriguing job offer to a Silicon Valley software engineer. The Chinese company, Huawei Technologies, wanted to get into the booming market for Internet-based computing, and it had just moved its United States research headquarters here to capture some of the best local talent.
They are not recruiting few engineers, they are willing to hire almost every people from Silicon Valley. 
“How many engineers would you like for your team? Several hundred? That’s not a problem,” the recruiter said, according to the engineer.
 It sure is great opportunity for the software engineers,  and we cannot say anything about that Chinese company recruiting talented American. However, if Silicon Valley does not do anything to prevent this from happening not only losing money, America will lose their future.

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