Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Some School Needs Students

Not Like Acalanes High School, schools in Maine needs many students, so they are going for a Chinese students. There, of course, are some reason why people does not move to that area, but they want people to come to their school.
 Kenneth Smith, the schools superintendent, is so certain that Chinese students will eventually arrive by the dozen — paying $27,000 a year in tuition, room and board — that he is scouting vacant properties to convert to dormitories. On Friday, Dr. Smith left for China, where he is spending a week pitching Stearns High to school officials, parents and students in Beijing, Shanghai and two other cities. He has hired a consultant to help him make connections in China, lobbied Millinocket’s elected officials and business owners to embrace the plan and even directed the school’s cafeteria workers to add Chinese food to the menu.
I personally think Kenneth Smith made a smart move, because no matter what they do, he knew Americans will not go to that place where there are hour’s drive from the nearest mall or movie theater, or that it gets an average 93 inches of snow a year.He found a perfect alternative to get his school running, even if it means they have to bring foreigners to their school.

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