Monday, April 11, 2011

Why We Need Health Care Reform

If reform takes place, a lot of good thing will happen to the United States. Poor people would be insured, so they would not be afraid of going to hospitals, and hospitals will make more money since they are going to get more patient. However, if it fails bad thing will happen.
It should be no surprise that people without insurance often postpone needed care, and many get much sicker as a result. That is morally unsustainable. It is also fiscally unsustainable for safety net hospitals — which foist much of the cost on the American taxpayer when the uninsured end up in the emergency room. As the number of uninsured rises, that bill will rise.
The Senate’s reform bill would reduce the number of uninsured by an estimated 31 million in 2019. The Republicans’ paltry proposals would cut the number by only three million.
 No matter what, I believe that Health Care Reform will bring good result to the people in this country. And I thank President Obama and his supporters for that.

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