Friday, February 25, 2011

Health Care

To be honest, I do not have health insurance, kind of because we are currently financially struggling, because of the economy, but not only that, there are so many packages, and sometimes, some of our body parts are not insured by the package. And I do not feel like I need to have it, but I feel like I need it, just in case something bad happens. So, even one of our family member get sick, we are afraid to go to the doctor because we know it cost a lot, just to see a doctor. And in South Korea, I think people are insured by the government health care, so it only cost around 5 dollar to see a doctor, and the medication used to cost me about 5 dollar. So, I think we should have Obama care.

However, Republicans are trying to repeal Obama Care because it will increase the inflation, but I do believe that saving people's live are better than not having job. We can decrease the inflation, but we cannot bring the dead person back.

And Republicans also said, one of the reason to repeal the Obama Care is because it is socialism. It maybe socialism because government is taking over, but isn't it better than letting people die on the street because they do not have money for medical? I really do not understand what they are thinking.

About Republican

I think the biggest strength of the Republican party is their view on the terrorist. I do believe that all the terrorist should be gone, and they will do anything in their power to protect American people from getting hurt by the terrorist. And at the same time, they also want to keep peace, and avoid the war, and I really like that Idea.

But to be honest, I do not really like republican's after seeing Sarah Palin. I think having Sarah Palin as a Republican Party member is the biggest weakness they have because to be honest, I do not think she has any ability  to do anything. I do not even know how she was the governor for Alashka Alaska.

And I think the biggest weakness of the Republican is how they are trying to repeal the Obama Care. I feel like they do not care about poor people, and trying to say poor people can just die, if they cannot afford to get insurance.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

About Democrats

I personally think the biggest strength of Democrats is their view on the health care. I personally believe in Obama Care because I think not everyone can afford to have the individual health care, which is sold by companies. And they twist the item, so even if we get an insurance, some people seldom does not get anything even if they have them. And they should fight Republican, so they can keep Obama Care.

I like the fact that they are trying to prevent the government from cutting budgets on the Education. The article said, the actual budget decline will be much steeper, and if it happens, a lot of students and teachers will be effected by it. Maybe, I like the fact that Democrats' idea because I believe the education is the most important thing in the world.

However, I do not like the fact that they are trying to do everything to maintain the Social Security. I believe they should increase the age because it will save the government a lot of money, and also because I am not old enough to get the money from the government, but i really do not like their position on Social Security.

More problem in Somalia

I personally think, it does not really matter if the doctor is old, or their gender. According to NY Times, some gun man threatened Mama Haw, who is running  Dr. Hawa Abdi’s hospital, because he does not like the fact the the old women in running the hospital. 
They did not seem to care that Mama Hawa, 63, was one of the only trained doctors for miles around, and that the clinic, school and feeding program she built on her land supported nearly 100,000 people, most of them desperate refugees from the fighting and poverty that has afflicted this nation.
For hours, militia commanders held Dr. Abdi at gunpoint while their underlings — mostly 15- to 16-year-old boys — ransacked the hospital, shooting anesthesia machines, smashing windows and tearing up records.
Even now days, Islamic people are very sexist, and they destroyed many medical machine that cost a lot, and helps a lot of patient because it runs by women. I just do not understand what those teenagers were trying to accomplish by doing those things. I think they should know better, and apologizes to Mama Haw.  

Zimbabweans pays medical bills with peanut

Zimbabwe, which is really poor country, does not have good medical system. But to poor people, I think they treat patient better in Zimbabwe than in the United States because they do not send the patient to other poor conditioned hospital because they cannot afford to pay the medical bill. The article is from NY times.
People lined up on the veranda of the American mission hospital here from miles around to barter for doctor visits and medicines, clutching scrawny chickens, squirming goats and buckets of maize. But mostly, they arrived with sacks of peanuts on their heads.
This will never happen in America because the doctors values money over any other food and not only that, the hospital will never do bad as the hospitals in Zimbabwean. I am saying this idea is good, but American doctor should learn something from this article.

Politopia result

Centerville-You would feel most at home in Centerville, which means that you are more or less pleased the status quo-you think the US government has just about the right amount of control over your economic and personal decisions. Your neighbors include democratic and republican party leaders and others who call themselves "moderates" and "centrists."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The United States Helping other Africa Countries

Even though the United States is in a crisis, they are still helping other countries which does not have a good medical system.
The United States will donate $130 million to African medical schoolsto improve medical education on the continent, the Obama administration announced last week. The donations, to be made over five years, will go to about 30 medical schools and teaching hospitalsin a dozen countries, and to about 20 American medical schools that have agreed to collaborate with them.
I think it is a smooth move made by President Obama because he is showing many countries that even if America is not doing great, we are going to do our best to help other counties. However, I do not understand why he could spend those kind of money for other countries, but he cannot spend it for American who lives in a poor condition. I think he should do something quickly before people start getting more angry

Solution for Expensive Hospital Cost?

In every country, it cost a lot to get a surgery or to get check up from the hospital. And a reporter from New York Times wrote his solution in his article.
The strategy is to move beyond doctors — to take the work of health care and shift down from doctors and nurses to lay people, peers and family.  In the United States and other wealthy countries, lay people can fill in the gaps in left by doctors’ care.  In poor countries, people with no or little formal medical training are successfully substituting for doctors and nurses.
 I see where he is going, but there is a really big problem with his problem. Those people with no or little formal medical training would not know how to deal with really serious disease, so they would not know how to treat those people, so they are going to end up dying. I think he needs to come up with more realistic solution for that problem.

Nelson Mandela's Hospitalization

South Africa's beloved and most respectable man in the world spent two days in a hospital in Milpark hospital on last Thursday.
Mr. Mandela responded well to treatment during his hospitalization, General Ramlakan said, and military doctors responsible for his care will continue to intensively monitor him at his home in a wealthy suburb of Johannesburg. The general noted that Mr. Mandela had had respiratory infections before and reminded the public that Mr. Mandela had tuberculosis during his 27-year imprisonment. It is a disease that can damage the lungs.
Thankfully, he is not in a very dangerous condition, so I am very glad. I do not really know a lot of about him, but my parents always said he is the man who I have to look up to. However, I think his time is coming because he is already 92 years old, it would be really sad to see him go, but I think I have to prepare for that.

Health Care Stays

Republicans were trying very hard to repeal the Obama Care, which was signed on March 23, 2010. Even when they voted for it, not even single Republican voted for it, and on January 26, 2010, they tried to repeal the bill and have failed it.
Senate Democrats defeated a bid by Republicans to repeal the sweeping health care overhaul, as they successfully mounted a party-line defense. The vote was 47 to 51, with all Republicans voting unanimously for repeal but falling 13 votes short of the 60 needed to advance their proposal.
I really do not understand why Republicans are dying to repeal the bill. This bill could save a lot of people's life, and could actually do something important to Americans. Personally, I do not have any insurance, because it is very expensive and they are so complicated, but with that Obama Care, I think I do not have to worry about going to hospital anymore.