Monday, May 2, 2011

Impact on citizen participation

By getting information from the internet, it impacts on how people think about the certain stuff. And it helps people to gather around to do something if there is a problem. Just like what happened it Egypt. People did not rebel against the old government back in the day, because they could not gather a lot of people to protest. But thanks to twitter, they gathered around and managed to take down the old government.

Political Advertisement

I do not believe dissing other candidate to win the election is the best strategy. Instead of finding other candidates weak spot, I think they should advertise the good side of them, then people will vote for them. If they keep on dissing others, people will ended up not voting because they think none of the candidates does not deserve to win anything.  

E-Commerce Taxation

E-Commerce taxation is difficult to resolve because the United States just cannot shut the website down because the States are not getting taxes from what people sell through online. If they stop people from selling stuff through online, they would say they have constitutional right to do whatever they wants to do with their stuff. And people are just trying to save money by using that method, so the states cannot really say anything about it, but because of that, they are not getting as much money as they used to.

Government censoring media

I do not really know a lot of media that got shut down by government, but back in the day, when New York Times published Pentagon Paper, the government tried to shut down that section, and failed. And right now, WikiLeaks got shut down by the United States government even though the publisher is not in the United States. And I think the government should be allow to shut those kind of media down, if it brings confusion and casualties to the United States army.


Just like television shows, it also depends on how they treat the news. But I personally think the website like, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicles, etc, are dependable website to use if we want to get accurate news, but besides that, I think blogs, and sometimes magazines are unreliable because they always put their thoughts in the article. No matter how hard they try not to be bias, everyone has their own opinion, and put it in their writing.

television show

Everything depends on what the television channel do with the news. For example, Fox News makes the news bias, we cannot really trust what they are saying. However, Daily shows with Jon Stewart or other comedy shows help us inform the news to us by making boring political news into funny news.

Monday, April 25, 2011

New York Times Co. v. United States (1971)

New York Times published "The Pentagon Papers", which was stolen by Ellsberg, and the federal government temporary order stopping the Times from publishing the papers. And In a 6-3 decision, the Court agreed that they are free to publish "The Pentagon Papers."
I personally do not agree with this decision, because this information would lead to battlefield casualties and diplomatic difficulties.